Sunday, February 28, 2010

Backseat driver

Yep, I am guilty of being a backseat driver and have been know to try to brake while sitting in the passenger's seat.
My multiple sclerosis is akin to a backseat driver. It is no longer foremost in my mind. For years I could not do anything or go anywhere without being totally aware of my disabilities. Now, with the relief from pain I find myself simply accepting the obvious and getting on with other priorities. I say that bravely however, I am well aware that my illness governs with an iron hand and dictates all that I do. I am just not as cognizant of its importance. It has become an accepted ally rather than a fervent enemy. I suppose this is a good thing. We should be able to co-exist without constant wrangling. It is possible, that like a backseat driver, sometimes my MS is a pain in the butt and at other times the warnings and silent hisses issued are a welcome acknowledgement that the status quo is still intact.

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