Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Color of hair... indication of ..... what?

I was always a blonde, until I turned grey, and then almost white and then red and then whiter and now back to red. Phew! Every significant phase in my life has followed my hair color. Surprisingly, leastwise to me, the folks that mean the most to me have liked as a redhead except for one who told me with great emphasis: " I have experience all of your hair colors, it matters not one whit to me what color your hair is as long as you and I are as one ." Romantic, yes, true, hardly. He gave up that ideal early on. I was too stupid or wishful to believe it.

Never mind, I have digressed before even getting started. I like my hair red. I think a lot of my being satisfied and content with red hair has to do with my need to gain my mother's approval, even thirty odd years after her death. She was a red head, born with it and then out of the bottle when her hair greyed. . My mom was uh, interesting, bright and conflicted.

I like my hair red because there are very few of us around.... young or old. I have always marched to the beat of a different drummer. I am a left handed, dyslexic, too bright, too tall, blind as a bat, and after several attempts, really like myself. I want to stand out from the crowd. How boring to be "ordinary" or plain.
I have a penchant for hats and wear them well on my red head. I can get away with this idiosyncrasy because, after all, I have to guard my locks from fading in the noonday sun. Like I go out in the noonday sun, hah, don't be silly. I live in Florida where no one in their right mind partakes for noonday sun bathing!

I shall keep my red hair for as long as I like... it suits my personality and my wonderful husband loves it.

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