When I was diagnosed with MS along with the diagnosis came a peripheral neuropathy caused by a B12 deficiency. A deficiency that apparently I had suffered from for years and until just recently had not been detected. This neuropathy causes untold problems. Among these problems are numbness and nerve pain for which there is no cure. The deficiency can be stopped but the effects of said deficiency are with a person for ever. My neurologist had tried several touted, well known drugs in an effort to curb some of this discomfort. None of them worked, or I needed to take such high dosages that I would sleep for an inordinate amount of time. Personally, although my nerve pain was eased, I could not live in a semi-comatose state.
One day, just recently, I was talking to my next door neighbor who also has a neuropathy. He has muscular dystrophy, but has similar pain as I do. He had maxed out on the dosage of the pain killer he was taking. He had read about the anti-depressant, Cymbalta. Apparently one of the side effects of this drug is pain control. Amazing as it seems some patients with nerve pain were getting great relief! I stored this information determined to remember to mention it to my neurologist at my next visit.
My next visit I discussed the possibilities of taking Cymbalta and he agreed it was worth the try. He did explain that it may not work for me. I decided to give it a try.
Well folks, that hip pain is now in check... What was thought to be arthritis in my hips apparently is part of my neuropathy . Also, I no longer have burning pain in my lower extremities. I am awake when I should be and I am really a full functioning human being( Well, almost). Lo and behold, I can sleep without pain for the first time in about ten years!
Yippee, I am thankful!
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